Zatchels Leather Bag Care Guide: Looking After Leather Bags

A beautiful handmade leather handbag is more than just a handbag, it needs to be taken care of. If you are not too sure how to correctly look after your Zatchels bag, fear not! We have popped together Zatchels leather bag care guide for you to learn how...

Year-Round Protection

Our Zatchels handbags require minimal maintenance, applying a small amount of care should suffice. For most leather bags, applying a leather cleaner or wax is a good idea, as it adds a layer of protection to the bag’s finish, repelling superficial scratches and scuffs. As a preventative measure for your leather bag care, we would recommend using carbon gold leather protector cream. This leather protector cream adds a protective layer to the leather to help protect your bag from dirt and water without changing the finish of the leather. It uses nanotechnology to make water to run off the surface of the leather rather than soaking in and damaging your bag.

Day-To-Day Care

Our top tip is to think about your handmade leather bag as you would your skin, both benefit greatly from a good moisturiser, especially as we age. After you've worn your bag for a month or so, it's going to lose some of its original lustre. A good rule of thumb when caring for any of your leather goods; reapply leather cream or oil every few months, or as needed depending on its use. For the day to daycare of your Zatchels bag, we would highly recommend using our complete care gift set. Complete Care Gift Set adds a protective layer to the leather to help protect your bag from dirt and water without changing the finish of the leather. This unique set provides perfect protection and retains the breathability of all materials, making it a unique combination, whilst removing dirt and stains, keeping leather soft and supple.

Solving Stains

Depending on the stain on your bag, there are different techniques that you can use. While there are many different kinds of stain, we tend to find that Water Stains and Grease Stains are the two most common. Here is how you can get rid of those pesky stains, without damaging your beautiful handbag:

  • Water Stains - If you spill water on your bag or purse and it’s left to dry without treatment, the outline of the spill will show up and mark the leather with a stain. Prevention is the best way to deal with a water stain on leather: dab the water from the leather as soon as possible, and ideally before it dries on its own. Do not use a hairdryer or put it in the sun to speed up drying. After all the water is removed, gently wipe the surface with a soft, dry cloth to remove any dust. You should then apply a leather conditioner to replenish the oils and to moisturise your bag.
  • Greasy Stains - Do not apply water to grease stains. Wipe the oil or grease off the surface of your leather bag or purse with a clean, dry cloth. You should then go back in with a polishing cloth to give your handmade leather bag an extra shine.